Frozen Price Game
are told that a hurricane has caused a major power
outage, increasing the demand and decreasing the
supply of ice. They then use two different methods
to allocate ice: first-come, first-served
and price. This game is a good way to
demonstrate the advantages of price
allocation. Click
here to download rules and
materials. Also see the Debate
Topics page for a new debate over whether
gasoline price-gougers should be punished. |
In this engaging game,
students assume the role of Vikings who have returned to the
medieval outpost of Birka to trade loot from villages they’ve
plundered. Playing cards represent the loot--spades, hearts,
diamonds, and clubs. To play effectively, students must use
marginal analysis to determine whether prospective trades will
benefit them, probe constantly for mutually beneficial exchanges
that remain to be exploited, and bid more for cards that are
relatively scarce. Click here
to download rules and a scoring sheet. |
Wrong with this Picture?
This is a series of
doctored photos depicting scenes we'll never see
in the real world. Ask your students to
explain why. The photos can be used to introduce
new concepts or to review definitions.
Concepts include: public goods, comparative
advantage, opportunity cost, economies of scale,
adverse possession, moral hazard, elasticity,
marginal utility, and externalities. Click
here to download the photos. |
What's Wrong with this Video?
Watch commercials
with your students and critique them.
Click here
to see them. |
© 2008, Lori
Alden. All rights reserved. |